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Esther's Seduction
Esther's Seduction Read online
Lily Weidner’s
Sinfully Sensual Tales No.1
Published by Lot’s Cave
Sinfully Sensual Tales No.1
Esther’s Seduction, © 2015, by Lily Weidner
All Rights Reserved
Cover by Moira Nelligar
All Characters In This Book Are Age 18 Or Older
This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only and may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this ebook with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this ebook and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to the Lot’s Cave website and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either a product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.
A Lot’s Cave Novel
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Author’s Note
Family Exotica
Incest Erotica
Other Novels
Chapter 1
“So it was, when the king’s command and decree were heard, and when many young women were gathered at Shushan the citadel, under the custody of Hegai, that Esther also was taken to the king’s palace….”
—Esther 1:8
“Does this please you, My Lord?” Haman reached out, tucking a long strand of Esther’s black hair behind her ear. It allowed him to see her hazel eyes meeting his, searching them for a sign of pleasure. Her legs rested beside his, and the silky smoothness of her pale skin didn’t escape his notice. She had gone through a year of beauty treatments, learning just how to present herself before her master. The treatments had no doubt affected her, as Haman could barely contain himself. He felt his clothing becoming more and more constricting, mainly from this woman presenting herself to him. Any command he gave her would no doubt be followed without delay.
Esther’s hands reached out hesitantly to undo his pants, only to be stopped. Haman moved his hand up, grasping the back of her neck. His fingers trailed across her skin, and he noticed Esther part her painted red lips. Her willingness to accept his control fueled Haman’s desire, and he found himself tasting her sweetness. Gently his tongue ran along the surface of her lips, then without restraint he deepened their kiss. Even though he gripped the back of her head, he could feel Esther reaching up as though for support. To his surprise, Esther’s fingers began entwining in his hair. Haman soon felt Esther’s longing in the kiss she returned.
When the kiss broke, Haman’s voice was almost a whisper in its lustful urgency. “Untie your gown, I wish to look at you.” Esther’s fingers withdrew from his hair, and were soon tugging at the strings of her gown. The sound of Esther’s gown sliding down as the knot broke free filled Haman’s ears, though he barely noticed. He was too busy looking at the beautiful young woman in front of him. Esther’s hands reached up, her fingers pulling down what remained of the gown. “Does this please you, My Lord?” Her words couldn’t have been softer or sweeter. “Yes, My Queen.”
The words rolled off his tongue before he could contain them. Once spoken, he no longer cared about their significance. What he cared about was enjoying the treasure before his very eyes. For one thing, Esther’s breasts were much bigger than Haman imagined for a woman of such a small build. Only now did he notice just how full they were, as her chest expanded and then collapsed with each breath. Her nipples had grown pronounced from the cool air, and Haman soon found himself making them even more pronounced. Pinching her nipples between his fingers, Haman soon heard a whimper escape Esther’s lips. What he took even more pleasure in, was how Esther spread her legs from the pleasure.
Even if she wanted to, her body couldn’t deny him the pleasure. Reaching down, Haman trailed his fingers teasingly up Esther’s thighs. She tried to close her legs, but doing so only pressed his hand against the folds of her pussy. It had grown wet, making it easy for Haman to part with his fingers. Even easier, was allowing one of his fingers to penetrate her. “Does this please you, My Queen?” A drawn out moan escaped Esther’s lips, only ceasing when Haman’s finger could go no deeper. “Y… Yeee… Yes.” Haman smiled, then wrapped his lips around one of her nipples intent on making her surrender even more to him.
With a firm grip on her waist, Haman began to tease. His tongue ran across the surface of Esther’s nipple, first one direction then the other. After a few minutes of it, he then began to bite. Haman ensured his teeth held her nipple firmly, and then began to tug while sucking on it. Esther’s moans began to fill his ears, even after her nipple escaped his mouth. One look into her eyes, and he knew what she craved now. Before it hadn’t been enough that she was willing, he had wanted her to crave it. Now that she did, he wanted to see her indulge his passions.
“Will you do anything I ask?” Haman worked his fingers deeper inside her, even as he spoke. Esther’s pussy tightened around his fingers, and her head tilted back. With her eyes closed, her words flowed freely. “Yes, anything.” Hiding his true pleasure, Haman shifted his grip in order to turn Esther around. The heat of her body against his escaped him, yet he moaned softly in her ear. The sweet fragrance of her hair remained, and it reminded him of just how tight his pants had grown. Esther could feel his hard cock pressing against her bare thighs, and her body soon pressed harder against him.
“Get on your knees.” Esther heard the command, yet didn’t move at first. She felt Haman’s hands still gripping her waist. Only when his grip loosened did she finally obey his command. Her knees dug into the hard floor, while she rested on the back of her legs and ankles. The slight discomfort did little to distract her, as Haman had begun to undo his pants. Showing restraint, his gestures were slow, deliberate, as if to show her he was in control. At last, he reached the last hindering button, and his cock sprang free. Having only ever seen her husband’s cock, Esther looked down blushing. It wasn’t until Haman tilted her head up that she truly took in his cock.
Without having to be commanded, Esther began to stroke his cock. It grew even harder in her hand, shocking both her and Haman. With a little prodding, she was soon using her mouth to please him. Her lips gently ran down the surface of his cock, only ending with them wrapping around the head. Pre-cum was already gathering at the tip, and Esther was soon licking it from him. The taste of it was salty, yet she loved every drop. Sensing her enjoyment, Haman began to push deeper into her mouth. It was then he realized this was the Queen of Persia on her knees before him, the thought jolted him from his sleep and with it the pleasures of his dream.
Chapter 2
“Esther had not revealed her people or family, for Mordecai had charged her not to reveal it.”
—Esther 2:10
“Your Highness, it’s time to get up.” Esther heard the perky voice, wondering what there was to be so happy about. She hadn’t seen her husband in a month, and the lack of his attention was beginning to show. Their marital bed that had once burned with passion now lay cold and neglected. Esther had often found herself seeking someone, anyone to ignite the passion within her once more. The fact was however, that she rarely saw any men at all. It left little for even her fantasies to imagine. There was however, her love hate relationship with Haman. He had come from nowhere, and yet now had the kingdom within his very grasp.
“Breakfast, Your Highness?” Esther turned her attention back to Armanthia. “No,
thank you. I’m quite alright.” The girl looked at her, and Esther could tell she wanted to speak. Unlike many of the women before her, she welcomed the opinion of others. “What is it?” Clearly distressed, Armanthia began to blurt out her response. “It’s just that, you didn’t eat yesterday. The others said you’re fasting. It isn’t healthy, please eat something?” Smiling, Esther touched Armanthia’s cheek gently. “Please relax, it is only for two more days. All will be well.” Nodding, Armanthia spoke softly. “None of us have eaten either, we wanted to support you in whatever it is you are doing.”
Esther had never considered the thought her servants might be doing this just to support her. It both saddened and filled her with hope. “What do you say we skip breakfast and go for a walk in the garden?” Almost jumping with joy, Armanthia was fetching their coats as Esther finished her question. Despite the situation, it made Esther giggle along with her. “It’s a great day for a walk!” Armanthia was so excited that Esther had to chase after her, on their way to the garden. “Look how beautiful the fountain is! Isn’t it lovely?” About to answer, Esther saw another with them in the garden. His attention both frightened and excited her.
“Armanthia, would you come here please?” Looking up, Armanthia noticed Haman at once. He was both feared and respected both outside and within the palace walls. After all, he was the King’s right hand man. “Coming, Your Highness.” Esther knew it to be a dangerous thing, being alone with a man in the gardens. She would not have her reputation ruined. When Haman approached her however, her heart silently beat faster. He bowed to her, and Esther in return acknowledged his presence. Her eyes met his, and then looked away. “It’s lovely to see you, Your Highness. Your presence is much missed; perhaps we will see you more often?”
Wanting to give a diplomatic but also decent answer, Esther was limited to few words. “Perhaps. Now if you’ll excuse us, we really must be on our way.” Haman nodded, and then looked toward the palace. “Certainly, Your Highness.” Not wanting to stay a moment longer, Esther hurried off with Armanthia closely behind her. The girl seemed disappointed about the walk in the garden being cut short, but also happy to have met Haman personally. “Your Highness, do you know who that was?” Before she could answer, the girl continued. “Why that was Haman the Agagite, only one is more powerful than he. Do you find him attractive as well?”
The very words scared Esther more than she could ever show. “Did you say he was an Agagite?” Armanthia looked at Esther, and then smiled to herself. “Yes, does that mean something to you?” Nodding, Esther could only look back towards the garden. “It means he comes from a line of kings longed defeated.” The shock showed on Armanthia’s face, and she too looked back towards the gardens. “How then did he end up the servant of King Xerxes?” Smiling, Esther was careful with her words. “Come, we must not discuss such things. The past cannot undo the present. I have something you can help me with however.”
Armanthia halted at the last step, hesitating to enter before her queen. Esther however, was still staring toward the palace gardens. When Armanthia simply sat, Esther was soon resting beside her. “Your Highness, I will not tell another if you fancy him. It is only natural to find a man as attractive as he pleasant.” Looking at her, Esther’s smile faded slightly. “Armanthia, I’m the wife of the King of Persia. Such a thing could mean death, I could never betray my husband.” Armanthia smiled again, and then patted Esther’s knee slightly. “It’s for the best I suppose. He is married after all, with good sons to his name. No doubt he is a happy man.”
Standing up, Esther smiled slightly for Armanthia’s benefit. “Perhaps one day they’ll make a fine husband for that daughter of yours.” The woman’s eyes seemed to light up, and the biggest smile came across her face. “Do you really think so?” Laughing, Esther nodded. “Now go on, I have something to attend to.” Watching Armanthia go on ahead of her, Esther looked back out into the garden. Could it be true that Haman was a happy man, she suspected not. His heart burned with jealousy, though of what she couldn’t tell. A part of her was fascinated by Armanthia’s boldness. In the end though, Esther couldn’t see herself in Haman’s arms. Not when she had a husband to attend to.
Still, Esther couldn’t help but be attracted to him. She didn’t care if she was actually supposed to hate him. Her people had been the ones to destroy the royal name of his family. That hadn’t been in her lifetime however, and now it seemed his heart burned with rage. Esther knew that Haman planned to kill off her people, but did he know she was one of them? How could he know, even her husband did not know it. The question bothered her more than any before it, could she be the Queen of Persia simply because of a man like Haman? If she was, she didn’t want to know it
Chapter 3
“So the king took his signet ring from his hand and gave it to Haman, the son of Hammedatha the Agagite, the enemy of the Jews.”
—Esther 3:10
Not wanting to return to her room, Esther began wandering the halls. She followed her steps, allowing them to take her wherever they wanted. It wasn’t before too long, that she stood outside the palace library. For a library, it wasn’t much of one, housing mainly documents or records of events long since passed. Her husband had thought little of providing her books to read, as many women in the kingdom simply did not know how. As Queen of Persia, she was expected to learn, though she already knew how. Searching for a way to escape the walls around her, she picked up a document and began reading. The lighting in the library was so low, she failed to notice Haman approaching.
For a moment, he stood there in the doorway. A part of him wanted to disturb her, and retrieve the record necessary for his work. Deep down though, Haman couldn’t voice why his feet didn’t move. The Queen was simply sitting there, the light casting shadows on her skin. His eyes traced the shadows’s outlines, going further down her body. With each breath her body seemed to showcase more of her hidden beauty. Being truthful, it sparked an unknown lust within his body. His wife had been beautiful enough for him, but the Queen went far beyond that initial beauty. Esther was also a prize, a thing that belonged only for the most powerful man in the kingdom.
Clearing his throat, he made enough noise to startle Esther from her reading. “My apologizes, Your Highness. I must fetch a document for the King, if I have permission to enter?” Esther looked at Haman, and instantly looked back at the table in front of her. Her nervousness must have shown, for Haman had waited to enter the room. Only then did she realize he had asked permission to enter, which she hadn’t given. Trying to find the words, Esther cleared her throat, in order to find her voice again. “Enter, far be it from me to keep you from your work.” The words came out far too soft, almost seductively. She prayed they didn’t sound that way to him.
Hearing her grant permission, Haman tried not to read too much into her tone. She sounded tired, restrained, almost stressed. Perhaps her husband truly had been too busy with plans of war to pay attention to his Queen. Walking into the library, Haman kept his distance from Esther. As much as he could control himself, he didn’t want to chance it. “Thank you, Your Highness.” Looking up at him, Esther managed a smile. It wasn’t too often men said thank you to her, even in the palace. Most men resented having to ask for anything from her. “You’re welcome, Haman. I’m sure my husband appreciates the work you do for him.”
Looking over his shoulder at her, Haman detected no hint of sarcasm from her. He wondered if she could have sincerely meant that. Not finding what he was looking for, Haman looked at the book Esther was reading. Seeing that it was the document he needed, he sighed. “Your Highness, forgive me, it appears the document I seek is in your hands.” Laughing, Esther simply stood up and held up the document for him. “By all means take it. I simply sought something to read.” Approaching her, Haman smiled and took the document. Only after taking the book, Haman reached behind Esther and grabbed another as well.
“Here, Your Highness. If I may, I rather enjoyed this book to pass the time instea
d.” Bowing, he left, not taking a moment to look back. Esther stayed there, plastered against the shelves. Haman had smelled so good, and awakened her need within her. All she wanted to do was take in his smell, even long after it had faded in the air. The warmth of his body had aroused in her a greater need than she had anticipated. It’d been too long since she’d felt such a thing from her husband. For a moment, she caught herself hoping his intentions had been to stir such thoughts. The reality of them being treasonous was mattering less and less, as she felt somehow out of control in her own mind.
With Haman no longer there, all that Esther was left to do was find a way to pass the time. Her desire raged within her, with no promise of relief. It would stay there, until it finally cooled from lack of attention. Her fingers wandered to the book Haman picked out for her. She rested it on the table, her curiosity getting the better of her. Nervously, she picked at the corners of the book’s cover. Esther had no way of knowing what was contained within the book’s pages. Sitting at the table flirting with her curiosity, it became quite apparent she had a problem. She could no longer sit still, and she certainly didn’t want to chance another encounter with Haman.
Deciding it was best, she picked up the book, intent on enjoying it in her room. There she would have the privacy to read at her leisure, though alone. Something within the pit of her stomach, told her she’d want to be alone. For some reason, she blushed when others approached her; afraid they’d noticed the book she carried. Its cover was nothing more than a piece of red binding, with a small gold border. The age of the book was betrayed only by the lack of any writing upon its cover. To any passerby, she carried an unknown book. Still though, the fact Haman had given this book specifically for her to read, caused a great deal of embarrassment for her.