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Esther's Seduction Page 2

  Esther was torn upon entering her rooms, as Armanthia was waiting for her. The girl only did so when distraught. “What’s wrong?” Trying to be discreet, Esther set the book down on a side table. She hoped the younger girl, in her worry, would not notice. Armanthia’s words came out rushed, almost too rushed for Esther to understand. “The king has sent for you! He sends his orders for you in this letter.” Esther’s hands trembled, but she steady them enough to take the letter calmly. To her surprise, her husband wanted her to prepare them a banquet in a few days. What made the request so odd was that this was to be a private affair, save for his honored guest. To Esther’s dismay, Haman had found a way to be invited into the king’s private world.

  Chapter 4

  “So it was, when the king saw Queen Esther standing in the court, that she found favor in his sight, and the king held out to Esther the golden scepter that was in his hand…”

  —Esther 5:2

  Esther paced the floor of her room, not really knowing what to do. She had so many plans to make, so many things to get started. The king had ignored her for far too long, only to have her become a hostess to his most honored guests. Sure, this was part of her job as being the king’s wife, but the honor to Haman was almost extreme. Why did it have to be the one man she was trying to avoid? Frustration was an emotion she felt very little, but tonight, she felt it in full force. The true source of her frustration was in getting the letter so late. Most of the tasks would now have to wait until morning. Despite the time she had to get ready, preparations would have to start as soon as possible.

  With little to do for the moment however, Esther managed to dismiss Armanthia. The girl looked extremely tired, as if she’d been waiting there for her all day. Having no idea how long the girl had truly waited, she wanted Armanthia to have some time alone. What she didn’t admit to herself, was the fact she too wanted some time for herself too. Esther got herself ready for bed, grabbed a candle, and tried to ignore the book sitting on her bedside table. Despite the willpower she normally had, her curiosity got the better of her. The book left Esther with too many questions, too many thoughts, and she had to find out the true source of them.

  Esther lay in bed with the book in her lap, trying to figure out if she really wanted to know what the book contained. She tried telling herself it could be harmless, a recounting of history, a political theory, even a religious text from long ago. Any of those would have seemed to fit Haman’s taste, so why was she so worried. Her fingers teased the corners of the book’s cover, until finally; she dared to open the book. The first page, to her astonishment, was simply blank like the cover. For a moment, she considered tossing the book aside, but she simply couldn’t. Curling up, Esther rested the book on her legs, before continuing to page through the book.

  To Esther’s surprise, the book would not have been a cheap commission. There was an obvious reason it was held within palace walls. The book’s origin she couldn’t quite place, but the art within its pages was quite telling. Esther had heard rumors of such books, ones that captured the sexual exploits of different cultures, but she’d never seen one before. The artwork within the book was quite explicit, and Esther at first, shut the book. Her face flushed, and embarrassing thoughts plagued at her mind. Why had her husband never shown her such a book? Did he know such books existed within palace walls? Was this why he no longer seemed interested in her?

  There had always been an innocence in which Esther grew up, and sex had certainly never been covered. It had been a small miracle that she’d found a husband at all, much less a king. That was the way it was in her culture though, and many of the men never thought much of a woman’s innocence. To them, it was a way of ensuring complete devotion and submission from their wives. Esther though, upon paging through the book, discovered a completely different curiosity. Sexual acts that only the most depraved of minds could dream up, and every one, made her the more curious. To her shock, she found herself growing wet. In the darkness of the room, left alone with that book, being completely honest, she grew extremely wet.

  Esther began slowly running her fingers down her inner thighs, not wanting to touch herself. She’d never been one to truly touch herself. Such acts were performed by only the most unbecoming of a woman. In her bed however, a married woman, Esther no longer cared about what was becoming. For the first time in her life, she allowed her mind to wander. Her fingers found their way once again, trailing up her inner thighs. Their soft caress caused her fingers to explore her body outright. The wetness of her pussy began to coat her fingers, even as she explored her outer lips. She tilted her head back, imagining her fingers were not her own, but Haman’s.

  This thought alone caused her fingers to be thrust inside her with such a passion, that it made her moan outright. She began riding her fingers, her wetness starting to soak her mattress. Long strands of her hair found their way to her face, though she pressed back against the pillows she lay against. Esther, with surprising ease, imagined Haman’s every desire for her. The way he would take control of her body consumed her mind, and she hoped he’d use her for his every desire. Each page she turned, revealed a new sexual position, a new desire burned into her curiosity. In the darkness of her room, she brought herself to orgasm repeatedly. Every time she orgasmed she was forced to fight back the urge to cry out Haman’s name.

  With her chest rising and falling, Esther lay in her bed completely spent. The fact her husband hadn’t sexually taken her in quite some time, had only intensified her sudden climaxes. Esther stared at the book, now lost in the sheets of her bed. She picked it up, as if it was a hot iron just out of the fire. Holding the book caused sparks of desire to run down her spine, making her wetness even more apparent. Esther knew, especially with the upcoming banquet with her husband, that she couldn’t keep the book in her room. Someone would notice it was missing for days, and so she decided to take it back. Seeing that it was late, Esther thought it’d be safer to take the book back. Truth be told, she probably wouldn’t fall asleep right away anyway.

  Walking back to the library, Esther had only put a robe on over her gown. Carrying a single candle, didn’t leave much for others to see. Besides, only the guards were left in the palace halls, and they never looked at her. Unlike the daytime hours, her clothing was acceptable, though maybe not the best of choices. The hallways were cold, and Esther found herself even more aware of her body. Her nipples had grown more pronounced, and the folds of her gown did little to hide it. When she finally reached the library, she was surprised to find the room warm. The fireplace had been lit, and still burned a bright blaze. The warmth of the fire drew her to it, and for a moment, she forgot all about the book she held in her possession.

  Chapter 5

  “And the king said to her, “What do you wish, Queen Esther? What is your request? It shall be given to you—up to half the kingdom!”

  —Esther 5:3

  “Just getting done with the book, Your Highness?” Haman laughed as Esther turned around. Even in the darkness he could tell that her face flushed. In the glow of the fire, he was also able to gaze at her form openly. She was beautiful, though in a way that made him simply want to possess her. Many women he considered beautiful, few of them he wanted as badly as her. Getting up, he rose from his chair, and bowed before the girl. She could only stare at him, shocked to find him there. Desperate to cover herself, she fought at the folds of her robe, no doubt willing them to cover more of her. The warmth of the fire though, made this an impractical task.

  “Wh-What are you doing here?” Esther’s words were soft, as if she didn’t want the guards to hear. If anyone saw them together, especially this late at night, rumors would abound. Haman couldn’t help but laugh a little, even as he pointed to the book that lay on the table. “I couldn’t sleep, so naturally I came here to read. Though, I could ask you the same thing…” His words trailed off, and Esther noticed the lack of formality in his voice. Correcting him would have made the guards alert, as they often listen
ed for such situations. Having to choose the lessor of two evils, Esther decided to let it pass. “I’m, I’m just returning this.” Haman smiled, even as Esther set the book down on the table.

  Haman hadn’t known for certain that she’d take the book, but the fact she had, told him all he needed to know. Suddenly her appearance made sense to him, and he made his way close to her. Esther couldn’t help but stay where she was. Moving didn’t even occur to her, even as Haman drew close to her side. She watched the flames’ shadow dance across his skin, blushing when she was caught staring at him. Grabbing the book, Haman smiled, and then looked back up at Esther. “Did you enjoy the book?” The shock must have showed on Esther’s face, because Haman’s smile grew wider. There was a laugh, which caused her to laugh as well.

  Finally thinking of something neutral to say, Esther managed to feel confident enough to speak. “What um, are you reading now?” Setting her book on the table, Haman looked back at her smiling. “Would you like to know… truly know?” Esther meekly nodded, almost too curious for her own good. Backing her against the wall, Haman proceeded to look down at his whispering in her ear. “Would you like to know… or experience?” Shocked from the statement, Esther couldn’t quite fight the desire burning inside her. She wanted so badly to say yes, to experience whatever tension she was feeling. To voice such a thing however, would be the end of her.

  “You looked so lonely in the garden, Highness. Would you, a Jewish girl, let an Agagite warm your soul?” Esther’s eyes grew wide at his words; as they spoke volumes to her. “Y-you know?” Smiling Haman’s hands began running across the thin fabric of Esther’s gown, making her whimper. “Yes, I know. I want you all the same… perhaps our God will forgive us both.” Overcome, Esther reached up, pulling Haman into a kiss. Their arms wrapped around each other, as if they hadn’t been close enough. Such a thing could never be forgiven by Esther’s culture, but perhaps God could. To Esther’s surprise, Haman reached for her hands, and laced his fingers within her own. “Such a delicate woman… the star of all Persia… and only I know your secret.”

  Esther felt her hands pinned above her at his words, and she reached to kiss him again. In her position however, she couldn’t reach him. Haman had intentionally positioned himself, just out of Esther’s reach. The separation was maddening, but he knew what it would give him in return. “Do you truly want this?” Pinned down, there was little Esther could do but nod, and reveal the slight hint of her mouth going dry. Aching, she felt herself break the rule she’d fought for so long. “Yes… I want you… I desire you…” Hearing those words, Haman removed the belt of Esther’s gown, and then looked down at her. “If you trust me, give me your wrists once more.”

  Thinking herself made with desire, Esther found herself putting forward her wrists. She eyed them, even as Haman gently took hold of them. Changing to the surprisingly gentle way in which he grabbed her, Esther no longer knew which way he’d treat her. The book of Haman’s taste had led her to believe he would be rough, outright brutal, and suddenly he was gentle. Even as he was filled with the same lust that possessed her, he took his time. “This belt is actually quite pretty…It would look pretty tied around your wrists…” The implications of his words were deep, and Esther found herself suddenly unable to look at him. Having turned her head, Haman understood the depths to which his Queen would go with him.

  “Will you say it? The blush on your face is enough to know it, but I would have you say it.” Hesitancy gripped Esther, who up until then, been quite sure of herself. With her face flushed from the embarrassment of her want, she found the words she thought she could not. “I-I would have you tie them… my wrists…” Smiling, Haman pulled her hands up to his chest, leaving Esther no choice but to gently touch him. “And the ramifications of it would you accept all it means?” Thinking she could blush no more, Esther was left to nod. To Haman’s surprise, Esther began to get on her knees, her head bowed submissively in front of him.

  Seeing the earnestness of Esther’s submission, Haman was stunned. Even in the depths of his fantasy, he had never imagined the Queen so willing. Deep down, she longed to be submissive, to be taken by him as a common slave girl, and perhaps, dare he think, to even stay that way. Knowing the position in which Esther rested was not entirely comfortable, Haman pulled her back up to her feet. When she was unable to look him in the eyes, he left a kiss on her cheek. This tenderness prompted her to face him, though she fought the urge to look away. “I will take you then, as you wish to be. Come with me.” To her surprise, Haman was bold enough to take her back to the gardens, eager to be in such a place.

  Chapter 6

  “If I have found favor in the sight of the king, and if it pleases the king to grant my petition and fulfill my request….”

  —Esther 5:7

  The gardens were a beautiful place, one that Esther quite enjoyed. She had spent numerous days there, wandering the path. Getting out in the gardens at night though, was not an easy task. It was one of the few areas of the palace that wasn’t guarded. Knowing there would be absolute privacy made Esther slightly relaxed. What was slightly uncomfortable however, was the chill of the night. With every gust of wind, Esther found herself leaning into Haman to shelter herself from the wind. Catching the scent of roses, she gathered that they were headed deep within the gardens. The center of the gardens had a more private place, which Haman apparently knew all too well.

  Lying down of the grass, Esther felt the cool moist grass sending the hint of sensation across her body. Giggling, she began to roll in the grass, her wrists still bound. The sight of it made Haman laugh, as his Queen seemed more carefree. If it was possible to look both sexy and innocent, at one time, Esther achieved just that. On her back, her arms left tied above her head, she began sitting up. Her legs began to pull up, and the arch of her back, caused the gown, now untied, to fall at her side. This time, there was no blush, no sense of shame, and her eyes locked onto his. “Does this please you?” Standing in front of her, Haman reached down, grabbing hold of her hair. To Esther’s surprise, his touch was actually gentle. Almost as if he was petting her, Haman began running his fingers through her hair.

  “What should I do with you hm? You’re not use to this…” Esther’s lips parted from his words, the realization of her restraints hitting her. She wished for her hands to be free, to reach up, and pull Haman in for a kiss. Having that denied her, especially at his words, made her look down. “I… I would have you possess me…” Being at Haman’s feet, her hands bound, looking up at him, Esther closed her eyes seeing Haman bending down towards her. Seeing Esther’s eyes closed in anticipation, Haman trailed his fingers down her neck. His cold touch made it hard for Esther to sit still, especially when she wanted to desperately spread her legs. The urge to touch herself was immense, as it had often been a stimulation required for release.

  Sensing her need, Haman got on his knees beside her, and grabbed her wrists. Slowly, he kissed Esther, the kiss at first hesitant. To Esther’s surprise, Haman made his way between her legs, spreading them apart on either side of him. For a moment, Esther expected him to take her like that. To her surprise, Haman began trailing kisses down her body, while his hands wandered to her wet pussy. “You would have me possess you… you’re certainly wet… almost too wet…” Haman let his words trail off, as if lost in thought. The implication of his words made Esther moan, her words both protesting and teasing expectation. “You have made me so… this is your doing… your…”

  Cutting her off, Haman began rubbing his fingers against Esther clit, making her words turn to quick soft moans of ecstasy. The sight of her fighting her bounds, both wanting him to stop and continue, was almost too much for him. Slowly, with her climax building, Haman’s touch grew gentler, until Esther didn’t know if his touch had stopped or simply grown too gentle. “Please… please… don’t stop…” Her voice had grown soft, quite lost to her passions. The words Haman heard though, were enough to make him smile. Undressing himself, Haman left
Esther there to simply take in the sight of him. The process of undressing was intentionally painfully slow.

  Grabbing Esther by her hair, Haman climbed on top of her. His lips finding her neck, while his other hand gripped firmly onto her waist. With her hands pinned against her stomach, there was little Esther could do but lay there feeling Haman’s kisses. Her legs began slowly sliding along his own legs, until Haman suddenly bit down at her neck. Feeling the way he bit down, Esther’s body suddenly tensed, her legs wrapping around his body pulling him close. Esther tilted her head back, her hands pushing hard against Haman’s chest. Knowing he’d leave a mark, Haman began gently tracing the outline of his mark with his tongue. Cooling the sensitive area with his breath, Esther moaned uncontrollably.

  Sensing the way Esther was now lost to the pleasure, Haman began thrusting inside her. Much to Esther’s surprise, it was a gentle thrust at first. Feeling him inside her, thrusting deep, Esther felt herself tighten around him. She willed her body to relax, trying to encourage Haman to thrust deeper and faster inside her. The way he took his time, thrusting slowly, ensuring Esther felt each thrust, caused her to moan each time. There was an intimacy to the moment, and Esther found herself locked into another kiss. Even as he quickened his thrusts, Esther at first, could only meet his thrusts, grinding harder against his body. Feeling Haman on top of her, his hard cock inside her was complete bliss.

  Pinning her hands suddenly above her head, Haman began kissing down her body. His eyes sought hers, and they found in them, a welcomed affection. The way she looked at him, especially with her soft moans, caused Haman to quicken his thrusts. When Esther suddenly tightened around him again, Haman found himself thrusting deeper, suddenly starting to fill Esther with cum. The sensation of her pussy being filled with his cum was almost too much, and Esther tried to lay still. To her surprise, she wanted to feel every sensation, the both of them spent. In that moment, Haman released her wrists, and smiled. “You may be free of your bonds, but you’re tied to me forever.” Esther laughed at his words, but there was a bit of truth that statement.